Happy Birthday to my sweet baby girl. Today Reese turned a year old!! I CAN NOT believe how fast this year has gone by. A year ago today my life changed forever and it has been amazing. I have loved watching every moment of Reese growing and turning in to a sweet little girl. We had a birthday party today full of family and friends. It was a lot of fun and Reese enjoyed the company. Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate Reese's birthday.
Here are a few pictures from today. My sweet little cousin, Brooke, was in charge of my camera and she got some great shots! Thanks Brooke for all of your help!!
Reese sitting on her new Elmo toy that her Pop and Gaga gave her.

Reese and Brooke (the papparazzi)

Reese loving some goldfish...it's not a party without them.

Eating her birthday cupcake

The three of us celebrating

I thought I had taken a picture of all of the books she received with my camera but I think it was with my mom's camera. We asked people to give her books for her birthday because she has so many toys. And she got a lot of books! Her bookshelf was empty this morning and now it is full!! I am so excited about the books and I know she will be eventually too!! Thank you again to everybody who celebrated with us (here and in thoughts). You are definitely someone special in Reese's life!