Thursday, February 26, 2009
Mischievous Little Girl

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
The Flu bug
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Our next car...suggestions please
So we keep our eyes out for cars we like driving down the road. Jokes are thrown around when we pass minivans. I refuse to drive a minivan...until today. I was thinking about it practically. How easy it would be. How perfect it would be with more than two kids. But my pride just keeps getting in the way. Everything about a minivan seems like the logical choice to make but I just can not see my happy butt behind the wheel of a minivan. But what other choices are out there for a mom with the hopes of three kids??
So my question for you is...
Romantic Getaway
Friday, February 20, 2009
A New Friend

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monkey Joes
On our way up the big slide!!

Daddy and Reese
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Two Days Already?
Today we headed downtown to do Atlanta things. We went to the Imagine It! Children's Museum first thing this morning. We thought we would be some of the only ones there but we were wrong! We got there as the doors opened and shortly after that a busload of pre-k kids came in. Honestly, I felt like Reese was a little too young to really get a whole lot out of the museum. Maybe if there hadn't been so many other kids there she could have enjoyed more of it without having to move along quickly to let another kids use what she was using. I think her favorite thing was the show they had. She just watched with amazement at the actors singing and telling the story.
She also enjoyed all of the play areas. I could have just taken her to the park and she would have loved it just the same. Here she is in the playhouse about the head down the slide.

There was an area where she could put on tap shoes and a costume. She LOVED the way the taps sounded when she stomped her feet. However, this is one of the areas that was way too small when other little kids came running up to play there. We didn't get to play here as long as I think she would have liked.

One of her other favorites was playing in the water. They had a little pond where they could "go fishing". They also had rain jackets that you could borrow so you didn't get your clothes soaking wet!! I loved this little jacket...it looked like a Mermaid!! So cute!!

After the Children's Museum we walked over to the Aquarium. We weren't sure how Reese would do in there but she did great and I think she really liked it!! At first she was scared of being close to the glass. I guess she didn't realize there was glass there and thought the fish could get her. Here she is looking at the alligators. Too bad you can't see her face because it was scared and saying "no". She did not want to be close to these scary guys. I was trying to tell her that she can't touch them and they can't touch her...but she didn't understand.

Her favorite exhibit at the Aquarium was the Beluga Whales...but whose isn't?? She loved seeing them go up and down...she kept saying "up and down" over and over. She would run up to the glass and then run back to us. When we went through the Whale Shark tunnel she kept saying "more fish". I think she said that the rest of the time we were there...she wanted to see "more fish"...and there were plenty to see.
Here is Daddy and Reese after seeing the Beluga Whales. Reese was not interested in posing for ANY pictures today.

On our way back to the car we decided to let Reese play in the coolest park ever. This time she loved the rolling slide...but she would only do it on her belly. Maybe she remembered how jarring it was.

Thanks Daddy for a fun day and for taking all of the pictures!! We love you!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Family Time
Here are a couple of pictures of this past week...
The wrath of Reese...now that I look at the pictures it doesn't look as messy as it felt. Maybe that is because EVERY room downstairs looked this way so it was making me crazy.

My big girl eating cereal with milk out of a bowl with a spoon...when did she get so big??

Friday, February 13, 2009
A Slice of CHEESE with that, please!!

We have been LOVING this nice warm weather!! The other day we walked up to the playground in the neighborhood. Doesn't she look prepared for anything? Snacks...check. Drink...check. Wild hair...check!!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
As promised
Monday, February 9, 2009
Oh Gosh!
Today has been the day of "Oh Gosh"!
This morning a friend of mine was going to watch Reese while I went to the doctor but her little man has been throwing up all weekend. She was gracious enough to still offer to keep Reese but I definitely did not want to put her in that position to have to take care of him and Reese. Having already been through the stomach bug thing I didn't want there to be a chance of Reese to get it again either!! So I loaded Reese up and took her with me.
I had a cute video to post here of Reese saying, "Oh Gosh!" But blogger is being a pain in the butt...I will post it later...Oh gosh!
After Reese's nap we went to the park to meet some friends and enjoy the beautiful weather we are having. We got a LOT of walking in before the babies started getting restless. Then we headed to the playground to play. While on the playground we ran in to a girl we met at storytime. She chatted with us for a little while and then had to leave. We all decided it was time to leave so we were packing the kids up and of course couldn't stop talking. A few minutes later the friend from storytime comes running over for help because her daughter had the keys to the car, inside the car, and locked the doors. Some one was smart enough to say call 911...I didn't know to call them in this type of situation. A firetruck was there within minutes and got the car unlocked. Luckily it was a nice day...not too hot or cold. The baby didn't seem to even know what had just happened. It was definitely a lesson learned for all of us mommies. How many times do we let our kids play with the keys while putting them in the car?
On a non-oh gosh note, remember the "Cute as a Button" baby shower I hosted in December? Well, they had their baby today!! Her name is Jocelyn Reece! We have known them for over seven years now. From the time I met them I have been told they were only having one child. Their oldest will be seven next month...and they just had number 2. Shortly after Reese was born they decided they had to have another baby...and Reese was their inspiration. Congrats guys!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Today we had gymnastics. We are both still loving it. I think Reese's favorite part is to watch all of the other kids and get stamps but she still does her thing too. When I tell her we are going to gymnastics she immediately says "play" and "stamp". She knows she is going to play and have fun and that she is going to get stamps on her hands and feet. She still isn't getting the swing of hanging on the bars but Miss Jennifer didn't seem too worried about that. She said she would figure it out eventually. After we finished gymnastics, we went to lunch with a little girl in her class and her mom (the one that sent me the pictures). We played at McDonald's for over an hour and the girls had fun. I had a wonderful time talking with her mom...they seem to be a GREAT family. Reese and I both enjoyed our playtime and can't wait to do it again!!
We have a super busy weekend planned. I am hoping since it is going to be SOOOO nice this weekend that we can squeeze in some time at the park. It looks like it is going to be nice in to the early part of next week too. I can't wait for spring to get here!!!!!
Here are some pictures of Reese. This one I had to take because she looked so grown up. The face cracks me up. I think she is saying, "Are you really taking my picture AGAIN?" I imagine I will get this look a lot as she is growing up!!

Finally she broke down and gave me a smile but only with the promise of seeing the "baby" on the screen afterwards. She is such a mess.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Another Baby Shower
Here is the drink/favor table. The blocks in front of the favors say "Take One".