
Monday, April 12, 2010

Catch Up Post

This is a catch up post from the last couple of days/weeks of pictures and videos.

Reese’s new pose when we ask her to smile for a picture…
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My friend Kristin is letting us borrow this bath seat. Sam loves taking a bath with Reese…I am not so sure the feeling is mutual. I think it is much easier to have them both in there together and get it done fast!
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Our little photographer took this picture. I did some cropping but she did a great job!

In February we were supposed to go to a friends birthday party but it was the weekend it snowed so much and stuck to the roads. The party was a “firefighter” themed party and we were supposed to go on a tour of the local firehouse. Since the roads were so bad the tour was cancelled. Today we were able to finally go on the tour. The kids had a blast.

Reese decided she wanted to be pouty though. She didn’t want her picture taken. She didn’t want to get in the truck. She didn’t want to talk to the firefighters. She was just a grump.
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Until the kids started running around like crazy people. You know when a dog starts running around in circles? That is what they were doing. Then they would run over to the police truck and bang on it.

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The firefighters were some of the nicest people! They were so great with the kids. Reese was the oldest of all of them so you can imagine what kind of attention span there was. The firefighters just went with it and were so sweet with each kid.

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When it was time to leave I asked Reese to tell the men goodbye and thank you. She would do neither. As we were walking out I was explaining to her that when adults are speaking to you that you need to look back at them and speak back. She told me she did not like firefighters. I reminded her that Aunt Leah is a firefighter and she told me, “I like Firefighter Aunt Leah but I don’t like the other firefighters.” **Sigh**


Justin and Kristin said...

Sam looks like he LOVES the bath seat! Glad it is working!

Carrie Beth said...

Oh my gosh- when I started bathing Handley and Harper together it made our beditme routine so much faster. Hope it continues to work for you!

Amy said...

your reese stories are hilarious.. I was laughing out loud that she likes aunt leah firefighter but not other firefighters.. she is too funny!