- Posted from my iPhone
Day three was another rainy day. After eating breakfast, we discussed our options. It was either sit on the boat and be bored or head out in the rain. It was just a little drizzle so we headed off the boat to see Nassau. Well, really we walked straight to the Pirate Museum. To get off the boat, they walk you through this area where you are just bombarded with locals trying to sell stuff to you. I have been to Nassau several times before but this time, with kids, it just felt scarier. We told the kids before getting off the boat that they had to be holding hands with one of us at all times. They were so good about following this one rule.
We made it to the museum! We were all excited about going in.
When we walked up, we were met with a man dressed as a pirate. Reese was fine with him but Sam wanted nothing to do with him and was clingy and scared. The pirate was very animated and funny, I thought.
When we walked in to the museum, it was dark and had a little scary feeling. Both kids were very nervous.
Reese eventually relaxed but Sam wasn’t too sure how he felt about everything.
It was actually pretty interesting to read the facts they had around.
Both kids were happy to finally be out of there.
On our way back to the boat it had started raining harder and didn’t stop again. And the camera never really came back out again either. We went back to the room for a quick rest time. After resting we walked around the decks and tried to talk Reese in to going to the kids club. She refused! We were eventually all just bored. There wasn’t much to do with kids on a ship when it was pouring down rain. We had dinner that night and came back to the room pretty early because the show that evening was a comedian and we knew the kids would not be interested in that.
Day four we woke up with high hopes. Lance had already gone out of the room early that morning because he wasn’t sleeping well. Around 8:30, the kids and I left the room in our bathing suits with hopes that it was a nice day (having an inside room, we couldn’t tell until we were actually out on the deck). Unfortunately it was raining again. We ate breakfast, talked about what we could do, let the kids play in the pool for a second until they were popsicles, and tried to talk Reese in to going to the kids club again. She was so bored by this point and was just being a stinker….we all were actually. All of a sudden she said she wanted to go so we jumped at the chance to take her. After dropping her off, we took Sam to a little kids play area. Since they didn’t have any kind of organized, staff run program for Sam’s age, they had a Fisher-Price play area with toys to play with. We played with Sam there for about an hour and a half and then picked Reese up to go to lunch. After lunch the kids club had a family Bingo game. We did that for a while (won two games) and then headed out to the pool for the much anticipated belly flop contest. Reese had been talking about it all week and couldn’t wait to watch. It was still pouring down rain so we stood under some cover to watch it. After the contest was over we went back to the room for some rest time. We actually all fell asleep during this time and woke up ready to see what it was like outside. When we sat up in the bed we were all rocking back and forth big time. Reese wanted to go back to the kids club so Lance ran her over there. I took a little more time getting out of the bed and that is when the sea sick feeling started. Sam and I went out to the pool deck, under some over hang, to get some fresh air. I thought I was going to loose it. Lance met us there and got me a Sprite. After about thirty minutes of fresh air and my drink, I started to feel better. However, it was just hitting Lance and I think he is still feeling the effects of it! On our way to pick Reese up from the kids club to get ready for dinner, Lance, Sam and I were walking across the pool deck and the biggest gust of wind blew up and rain was coming from all directions. We finally got ready for dinner a little early and fast that night so we didn’t have to spend a whole lot of time in our room. When we were out in the lobby waiting for dinner, Reese and Lance noticed a beautiful rainbow. It had finally stopped raining for a little while. It was still really windy and cold but pretty. The sea was still really rough though.
This picture does nothing for how beautiful the rainbow was. We took this picture through a window. There was actually a second one above it too but it was too light to see in the picture. You can see how big the waves were too.
At dinner that night, everyone who was at our table said they had a rough day with the rough seas. We sat through dinner, went to another singing and dancing show that night, and then went back to the room to pack our stuff up to leave. The kids were never bothered by the rough seas (thank goodness!). Friday morning we woke up bright and early because we were ready to hit the road. We were one of the first ones off the boat. It was the most beautiful morning and it was already hot outside before 8:00. We were totally jealous of the weather. We found out that the storms we drove through are now what is turning in to Tropical Depression Beryl. Now we can say we have survived our first hurricane! After over nine hours in the car (thanks to holiday traffic), we finally made it home and we all slept like rock stars in our own beds.
We are so grateful for the time we had together…we just wished it had been spent in the sun and water!!
After a terrible nights sleep, we woke up to rain!! We didn’t want to let that stop us so we headed off the boat, in our bathing suits, to have some fun on the beach. We stopped and rented an umbrella, put our stuff under it to stay dry, and then headed in to the ocean. Unfortunately, Sam’s stomach was still upset from the medicine he had been taking and he was so grumpy! After about thirty minutes of constant whining, I took him back to the boat while Lance and Reese stayed to play in the rain. We ended up taking a quick nap and then met Lance and Reese out at the pool on the ship.
We ended up playing in the cold pool most of the afternoon. That evening was formal dinner so we knew we had to give ourselves more time to get ready. That meant we needed to go back to our room around 3:30. Well, right at 3:00 the sun came out and it was beautiful. We decided to soak it up a bit longer and then headed in to get ready for dinner.
After dinner we came back to the room to change out of our nice clothes before going to a show. When we got to the room, our stateroom attendant had made a monkey out of a towel. The kids thought this was so funny!
We changed in to some casual clothes and then headed out of the room again.
We found this Sea-Doo and Reese wanted to “take a ride”.
Then we walked over to the pool. Sam found this mermaid statue and snuggled up to it. It was so funny! He kept touching her backside and smiling.
Reese didn’t want to miss out on the laughter so she joined in.
After walking around for a while we headed to the show. Reese loved it because it was all singing and dancing.
Reese was such an angel these first few days! She was so well behaved, used her manners, and was just so pleasant! She was just in awe of it all. Once Sam’s stomach started feeling better he became much more pleasant to be around too! He was so fun and silly. He made friends every where he went on the ship.
Last night we got home from our first family vacation of the summer (and possibly our last family of four vacation). We decided last month to take a cruise. While it didn’t quite go as we had planned or hoped, it was nice to have some time together.
Sunday we started our drive to Cocoa Beach. Before getting to the beach we stopped off at my grandmother’s house. While there I tried to get Reese to climb the trees that my sisters and I would climb when we were little. She wanted nothing to do with that!
She cried and wanted to get down. This was the bigger of the trees. The small one we would climb in most fell over during a storm.
After our visit we headed to Cocoa Beach. We arrived there at 5:30 and got checked in to our hotel. The kids wanted to immediately get in to the pool. I, however, did not! It was so cold and windy. We let them play for a while and Lance got in eventually too.
Monday morning we were all up early so we went out to take a walk on the beach. It was a gorgeous morning and got us all excited about our cruise.
We made a quick trip to Ron Jon Surf Shop for a couple of things and then headed back to the hotel to play in the pool for a bit longer.
Finally it was time to head to Port Canaveral to board our ship.
We immediately got in the pool on the boat and were ready for the nice, sunny, fun, relaxing week.
Reese floated in the pool during the Bon Voyage party and loved watching it all.
Sam just loved being in the pool!
After a fun time in the pool we made our way to our room for a very quick shower so that we could head to dinner. We played so long in the pool that we only left 30 minutes for all four of us to get ready. Hence, Mommy’s hair in a pony tail.
After dinner we explored the ship some.
We found the soft serve ice cream and had a little after dinner snack. Sam ended up getting his all over himself.
It was a beautiful night. Maybe if we had known what was ahead for us during the week, we may have tried to enjoy it just a bit more.
I didn’t even look to see what size this little gummy bear is today so no food comparisons. I did see this fun little questionnaire about what is going on right now and thought I would give it a go…
How far along? 17 weeks.
Total weight gain: None that I know of. Each visit to the doctor my weight has been the same. It did drop a pound a month or so ago but I really think that was due to less clothes because the weather had warmed up.
Maternity clothes? Yes. I am still a little too small for maternity shorts/pants but I am loving my skirts and dresses right now!
Stretch marks? No new ones. I was lucky to only get a few small ones hardly noticeable around my belly button.
Sleep: It is ok. Not horrible but not great.
Best moment this week: Just feeling the baby every once in a while.
Miss Anything? Not being tired.
Movement: Yes!
Food cravings: Any junk food. A few nights ago we were watching TV and there was a Checkers commercial advertising their chicken sandwich and it looked really good.
Food aversions: Any thing healthy?
Gender: It is going to be a surprise!
Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: I have a few aches and pains. Nothing major.
Belly Button in or out? In but weird
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Looking forward to: Getting to share the baby’s movement with Lance and the kids.
Concerns: Picking out TWO names this time. Lance and I are not good at name choosing and since we have to choose a boy and girl name this time it could cause WW3!!