Today we got to keep my friend,
Kristin's, daughter. She was already here when Reese woke up this morning. I walked in to Reese's room to get her out of bed and she was immediately excited to have the baby there to play with. I changed both of their diapers and then took them downstairs. While I was getting Connor's bottle ready I put her in her bouncy seat. Reese didn't leave her side. She wanted to touch her, bounce her, play with her toys, give her the pacifier if it fell out, and anything else that she could get away with. When I was feeding Connor her bottle, Reese wanted to help so she helped me hold the bottle. She didn't like when Connor cried...she would look like she was going to cry too. After Connor ate she was awake for a little while and then fell asleep in my arms. I put her down for a nap in Reese's room thinking she would wake up soon afterwards...but she slept for 3.5 hours!! I couldn't believe it. She must have been so comfy and snuggly in Reese's bed.
While Connor was napping, Reese wanted to play with everything that was Connor's. She put Abby in the car seat and rocked her.
And then she decided it would be fun to play in the car seat herself. I found her in the seat multiple times just hanging out. She also got in Connor's bouncy seat but I didn't catch a picture of that. I can only imagine what it is going to be like when Reese's little brother gets here and all of the baby toys are out.
While Reese was napping Kristin came and picked Connor up. When Reese woke up she was looking everywhere for the baby. I told her Connor went home to her mommy's house and Reese started crying, "No Mommy's house". She was so sad she didn't get to tell her goodbye. While I was making dinner Reese ventured upstairs to play. It got quiet so I called up to her to see what she was doing and she didn't answer. When I got upstairs her door was closed. She had been able to reach in to her crib to get her paci and was just hanging out enjoying it. I just left her alone and let her play. Later it got quiet again so I went up to check on her and this is what I found...
She is in her basket of baby dolls. She is so silly!!
That is exactly how Handley acted when I kept my friend's baby. She's going to love having a baby brother around all the time!
Cayden gets in Emresen's car seat and bouncy seat all the time too! We also just pulled out the exersaucer and Cayden has been wanting to get in that too....haha!
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