Sunday, August 30, 2009
My Birthday Present

Friday, August 28, 2009
Out of the Mouths of Babes
Reese: Good.
Daddy: How was McDonald's?
Reese: Great!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
What to do...

comes home with a new pictures she has drawn.

I obviously can't keep them all. If I did we would have to buy a storage unit to keep everything in! So I think I will take a picture of the pictures/drawings. Keep them around for a week or two and then get rid of them. I may keep the first one she did and then a few through out the year but definitely not all! I don't like having clutter around. And like I said, if I keep them all from every year and from every kid we would have to buy a storage unit to house them all in.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Today was Day 2 of preschool. Reese missed the actual day 2 because we were in Florida. She did so great today! I am so proud of her! She was telling me goodbye before we were even close to the drop-off. She was so excited about going to school and I am so glad. I really feel like we made the right decision in starting her in preschool!!
After I dropped her off at school I headed to my doctors appointment. I thought I would be there super early so I brought my Pottery Barn catalog along with me to kill some time. I left her school around 8:53 and did not get to my doctors until 10:11. I was about to go crazy sitting in traffic. There was an accident on both highways I needed to travel. I ended up bypassing one of them and going a back way. Needless to say I ran in to the doctors office just in time for my 10:15 appointment. Today was just a heartbeat check for Baby Cupcake and it sounded great. The doctor asked me how big Reese was at birth and I told him 8 lbs, 9 oz. He didn't believe me. He couldn't believe that I could carry a baby so big. I told him that just last night I read that most of the time baby number 2 is bigger and I was freaking out about that! He said that was usually true in normal circumstances but that delivery would be easier and faster the second time around. Sweet!
Baby Cupcake is almost 30 weeks and he still doesn't have a name. I think with Reese we had picked her name out by around 32 weeks but we didn't finalize it until about a week before. Hopefully we can come up with something soon for this little guy!
It is amazing the things Reese is picking up on and remembering. The other day she just started singing her ABC's and got it almost all correct. She says, "K K" instead of "J K", "L M N O P" gets combined in to fewer letters, and instead of saying "Double-U" (w) she says "Double X". I caught her on video yesterday singing. We were driving down the road so it is a little noisy but you can still hear her singing.
Lord, thank You for the men and women who dedicate their lives to educating children. I ask You to bless them with strength, joy, favor with students and parents, and a strong sense of purpose. Make them fruitful in every way. Give them wisdom, creativity, patience, insight, and endurance. Give them Your supernatural love for each student, so much so that those kids go home each day with a keen sense of being loved by You. Use these teachers to make an eternal difference in the lives of their students. I pray that their families will have an easy and peaceful transition into the school year.
I also pray for all of our students, particularly those who are entering new schools this year. Father, please give them courage, peace, and joy. Let them make friends easily and connect well with their teachers. Let them find their security in You, Lord. Please sharpen their minds and help them learn. Build godly character in them. Use our Christ-following sons and daughters to draw others to You. Help them let go of what others think and to love the unlovely. Help them obey You even when it's really hard. Father, for our sons and daughters who have not yet made decisions to follow You, let this be the year. Let them see their need of You and surrender their precious lives to You.
Thank You in advance for the work You're going to do in our teachers and students' lives this year, Lord. I pray all of these things in the strong and mighty name of Jesus. Amen!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Four Words...
"I need to potty!"
And I think she knows this because sometimes she will just say this for attention. I will get her undressed, she will sit on the potty and then say, "No potty." She is sneaky!
No accidents today! We have been in big girl panties all day and run two errands!! Woohoo!!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Preschool Update

First Day of Preschool

We left for preschool and were third in line to get out of the car. I think we will leave a little later from now on. She is ready to get out!

Monday, August 17, 2009
"But Why?"
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I forgot...

Only one accident today and lots of Hershey Kisses came Reese's way. I think she had an accident because we were letting her watch TV while getting ready for church and she was just distracted. She has been very good about telling us she needs to go! We filled up her first potty chart with stickers so I had to make a whole new one today!

Saturday, August 15, 2009
1 Doctor, 1 Accident, and Lots of Hershey Kisses

Friday, August 14, 2009
Big Girl Gymnastics
Following directions...

Thursday, August 13, 2009
Meet and Greet
After the "Meet and Greet" we had plans to go to our neighborhood pool with friends but some idiot roofers changed those plans quickly. So we had all of our friends back to our house and the kids played in the backyard. They had so much fun and I am so glad we were able to spend time together. I didn't take ANY pictures today!! I wish I had because they were all so cute and sweet.
Tomorrow Reese is going to be in the big girl class at gymnastics. I really hope she does well. Her friend, Kay-Kay, is already in that class so hopefully that will help Reese out! I am excited for her but a little sad that I don't get to be a part of her class anymore!
Potty update: We will get there...eventually. We spend quite a bit of time sitting on the big potty because she just won't sit on her little one. If she is on the big one I can keep her there until she goes...and I do. I think tonight we sat her on the potty for a good 15 minutes. Lol!! I think it scares her for some reason to use the potty. But she loves those Hershey Kisses!! Maybe we will have some more success tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Holy Cow!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
HE doesn't make mistakes

Monday, August 10, 2009
One of Reese's favorite buddies. She looks like she is thinking about something...

And then she just goes for it. He had been playing in her car earlier and she would run up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek. It was cracking me up!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
The Napping House
Yesterday we FINALLY bought me a new car...Chevy Equinox. We test drove this a week or so ago at a dealership but they couldn't make the price work for us so we walked away...not with out many calls from them "trying" to make it work. So we looked on Autotrader and found this beauty in the perfect price range. Lance saw it on Wednesday (the owner drove it to his office), we played "let's make a deal" Thursday and Friday with the owner and the bank, Lance met the owner at the Chevy dealership to have a multi-point inspection done on it yesterday morning (it passed with flying colors), Lance came home, picked us up to go to the bank to buy it, we bought it, and then I SAW IT!! I trusted him 100% during this week to make the right decision for us and he did great! After we got home, Lance (and Reese) gave it a good bath inside and out.

After the bath, we took my parents second car back out to them. We grabbed a quick bite to eat with them and headed back home to wait for Reese's favorite girls.

Friday, August 7, 2009
Fun Day
After gymnastics we headed straight to the pool to play with some friends. We had a great time visiting! After the pool we headed home for a nap. Reese must have played hard at the pool because she slept for 3.5 hours!!
Once she woke up we played for a little while until Daddy came home. Here she is playing with my oven mitts in her kitchen.

After dinner I knew we needed to do something to wear her out for bedtime so we went to Monkey Joes for a little while. She wasn't really feeling it tonight and wasn't really interested in playing. So we headed to the mall for a little while and let her walk around. She is in bed an hour and a half late tonight and hopefully she will get some good sleep!!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Maybe...Maybe Not
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Baby Cupcake Update
Things Reese Loves

Playing with an umbrella. She always says, "Open is?"

Today we are testing out our big girl panties (Lance hates that word). One of the signs of being ready to potty train are holding it for up to three hours. Well, Reese can do this when she is "Nekid Reese". But she refuses to use the potty. She will ask for her diaper when she needs to go!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Our Sweet Girl

Now if only I can get her comfortable enough to go on the potty!!