Saturday we went to Chattanooga (or Chagganoota, as Reese would say) to ride the “Polar Express”. We did a package deal through the Chattanooga Choo-Choo for a nights stay in the hotel, a train ride, and several activities. The kids had fun and we had fun watching them. My parents came, too, so that added to the kids excitement! The only problem we had was that none of us remembered a camera so all of these pictures are from our iPhones.
The first thing we did when we arrived was go to the Elf’s Workshop. Also known as Reese’s Heaven. It was eight tables set-up with different crafts. There were elves at each table to help the kids with their craft. When I asked Reese if she needed help, she would say no. When the elves asked she would let them help her.

Sam was happy to have Gigi there to help him. I was surprised at how entertained he was by all of the activities, too. He was NOT entertained by the elves though. He wanted nothing to do with them.

The last table the kids went to was to write a letter to Santa. Once the letter was written they put it in the box to be sent to the jolly old elf himself.

After a few poses in front of this wall painting, we headed to see Santa.

The lady who was working the table for Santa had this precious Yorkie. He was so chill and the kids loved him. If you have been around Reese and a dog at the same time, I know you are shocked by this picture. However, she is coming around to small dogs…and this dog was tiny and wrapped in a blanket looking like an elf. Who could pass up a chance to hold him?

Sam, once again, was not interested in Santa so he hung back while Reese went to see him.

Santa was sweet just like a Santa should be. While we were standing in line Reese said, “Mommy, that is not the same Santa.” I told her Santa must have a bunch of helpers because he can’t be in different places all the time.

Granddaddy and the monkeys being silly in a telephone booth.

Next we were off to a model train museum. Nobody was that impressed…especially Reese.

After a quick break in our rooms we headed downtown to get some Mellow Mushroom for dinner. When we were leaving Reese said she wanted her picture with this statue. As I was taking her picture she yelled out, “Papa Johns!”. That got a few giggles from people around.

Finally, it was time for our reason for the trip. The Tennessee Valley Railroad has its own version of the Polar Express.

We dressed the kids in their pajamas (just like the movie).

We waited for a while before we could get on the train and Sam looked like such a big kid with his hands in his pockets and hood up.

We got on the train and even though we were not the first ones in line the fronts seats on the train were open and they sent us to them. We shoved the six of us in to four seats because we didn’t want the kids walking back and forth while the train was moving.

Sam was a little grumpy during the ride but seemed to enjoy parts of it.

They served milk and cookies, read a story and sang some songs.

Once we made it to the “North Pole”, Santa climbed aboard to greet the kids. Since we were in the front seats, Reese was the first to get to say hello. She was super excited that he picked her up and held her. We have a video of it but I haven’t loaded it on YouTube yet. She was too cute. Sam was, once again, not interested.

After we were back to the hotel, they had a story time with some elves. We had an option of an Elf Tuck-in. That is where they come to your room to read you a story and tuck you in. I am so glad I did not choose that option because Sam would have freaked. I ended up keeping Sam in the room and getting him to sleep while everyone else went to the story time.
This morning we had breakfast at the hotel and then my parents headed home. We killed some time at the mall for a little while and then went to visit some of Lance’s family once they were home from church. The kids were wild and crazy there but we had a nice visit.